- January 1 - AI - Image generation using
- January 5 - Using Docker init to quickly dockerize your PHP application
- January 10 - Git - pre-commit-hooks
- January 19 - Search your FTP server at lightning speed
- January 25 - Docker - Install and use Git in a container just like you do on your host
- February 1 - Heimdall - Web dashboard
- February 9 - Python - Fast API - Create your JSON API in Python in one minute
- January 3 - Some tips and tricks for Quarto when rendering as a reveal.js slideshow
- January 3 - Using variables from external file in your Quarto project
- January 5 - Play with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 using Docker
- January 6 - Don't query your PostgreSQL db anymore, prefer PostgREST
- January 8 - Getting the number of published posts
- January 14 - GitHub - Use Actions to deploy this blog
- January 18 - Rendering a JSON file as a mind map
- January 20 - Autosave feature in VSCode
- January 21 - WinSCP - Retrieve a stored password
- January 23 - Exterminate them all, fight spam directly at your host company
- January 25 - Search and replace (or add) using sed
- January 26 - Batch edit of environment file
- January 26 - Compare environment files in the Linux console
- January 27 - Exterminate them all, fight spam directly at PlanetHoster - N0C
- January 28 - Exterminate them all, kill spam using GitHub Actions
- January 28 - How to self-host Matomo
- February 1 - Install LimeSurvey using Docker
- February 3 - Markdown linter - solve formatting issue in md files
- February 4 - Running Docusaurus with Docker
- February 7 - Some tips and tricks when written articles for Docusaurus
- February 7 - Running your own blog with Docusaurus and Docker
- February 9 - PHP development in a devcontainer with preinstalled code quality tools
- February 14 - Rector 1.0.0 🎉🎉🎉, my friend, my coach
- February 18 - API REST - How to write good APIs
- February 18 - Github - How to find email addresses for most users
- February 20 - Using Docker network and the extra_hosts property
- February 21 - MS Excel - How to call a SOAP web service
- February 23 - Install a PHP Docker environment in a matter of seconds
- February 27 - PHP code refactoring in VSCode
- February 28 - Joomla - delete tables from your database according to a certain prefix
- March 2 - Tabnine - AI Autocomplete & Chat for Javascript, Python, Typescript, PHP, Go, Java & more
- March 3 - Error Lens addon for VSCode
- March 9 - VBS - Retrieve the list of fields in a MS Access Database
- March 9 - How to optimize an existing MS Access database
- March 9 - Github - Connect your account using SSH and start to work with git@ protocol
- March 19 - VBS - Auto update script
- March 23 - Understanding the depends_on condition in Docker compose files
- March 28 - How to install Oh-My-ZSH
- March 29 - Syntax highlighting in the console using ZSH
- March 29 - Autosuggestions in the console using ZSH
- March 30 - Fatal error was starting Putty after having saved settings
- March 30 - Introduction to fzf - Fuzzy Finder
- April 1 - Windows Terminal
- April 5 - MS Excel - Connect to a SQL Server database, run a query and get the results
- April 7 - Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
- April 9 - Obfuscate your PHP code
- April 13 - Quarto Inline style
- April 13 - Quarto includes short code
- April 13 - Quarto Callout Blocks
- April 19 - Multiple cursors in vscode
- April 19 - Export the list of extensions you've installed in VSCode
- April 19 - CodeSnap addon for VSCode
- April 28 - Encapsulate an entire Docusaurus site in a Docker image
- May 1 - Bash - Script to add logging features to your script
- May 3 - Bash - Echo on the console and in a logfile in the same time
- May 8 - Using Postman to play with API
- May 17 - WinSCP - Synchronize host and remote
- May 20 - Ubuntu - Install from scratch
- May 25 - FTP - Remove files and folders at light speed
- June 2 - Joomla - Run a SQL statement outside Joomla and display a nice HTML table
- June 8 - How to generate a graph from docker-compose.yml
- June 16 - PHP Getter and Setter in VSCode
- June 24 - Introduction to Behat
- June 28 - Clean code - Linux Bash - Keep the number of function parameters as small as possible
- July 10 - Microsoft Outlook - VBA - Save emails as PDF
- July 16 - Makefile - Tutorial and Tips & Tricks
- July 17 - SQL - Formatting tool
- July 19 - Linux - Comparing two folders/files in the console
- July 23 - Let's revisit the ls command thanks to eza
- July 28 - Linux - Sort functions in a Bash script
- July 28 - Linux - Compare two versions of the same script
- July 29 - Linux - Generate documentation from Bash scripts
- August 1 - aeSecure - QuickScan - Free viruses scanner
- August 5 - Working with regions in VSCode
- August 9 - Running a HTML site in seconds using Docker
- August 13 - WinSCP - Visual Basic for Application use
- August 17 - Docker - Configure your localhost to use SSL
- August 22 - WinSCP - Download files with specific extension recursively
- September 3 - Docker secrets - Using your SSH key during the build process
- September 5 - Docker - Running some GUI interfaces in the browser
- September 6 - Docker - Run Graphical User Interfaces - Firefox, Chrome & GIMP
- September 11 - Git - Some tips for your .gitconfig file
- September 19 - Using the JetBrains Mono font in vscode
- September 27 - Write PHP unit tests using Pest
- October 3 - Start Joomla with Docker in just a few clicks
- October 6 - Linux - Take advantage of the number of CPUs you have; start concurrent jobs
- October 7 - Linux - Using a progression bar in your script
- October 12 - Linux - Working with the history of your last fired actions
- October 17 - SSH - Launch a terminal on your session without having to authenticate yourself
- October 17 - Docker - Explain me like I'm five - What's Docker for?
- October 18 - Restore a Joomla backup using Docker
- October 18 - Create your Joomla website using Docker - Part 2
- October 24 - Start lubuntu Desktop in Docker
- October 30 - Docker - Python devcontainer
- November 5 - Using sftp on the command line, with or without a proxy
- November 8 - JSON - Online linter
- November 11 - Drawdb-app - Render your database model as png, markdown, mermaid, ...
- November 19 - JSON - Faker & Mockup
- November 24 - Keep running and count the number of files in a folder using inotifywait
- November 28 - VBS - Get list of files and generate a CSV
- December 1 - Format poorly formatted PHP code
- December 1 - Docker - Easy setup of Python under Windows
- December 2 - Docker - Even easier setup of Python
- December 6 - Pandas - Merge two or more files and create a merged one
- December 8 - Markdown - Convert Excel ranges to Markdown tables
- December 8 - Markdown - Convert CSV to Markdown tables
- December 18 - Python - Generate flows using pydot
- December 20 - Docker-in-Docker aka dind
- December 26 - Markitdown - Convert files and MS Office documents to Markdown
- December 26 - - Using dagger to automate your CI workflows
- December 30 - Python - Code Quality tools
- November 2 - Welcome
- November 2 - KeePass - Overriding the URL field
- November 2 - The easiest way to run a PHP script / website
- November 2 - Opening a RDP connection to the Linux local instance
- November 3 - Open your Linux folder in Windows Explorer
- November 3 - Markdown folding not working
- November 3 - Site creation
- November 3 - Move WSL to another location
- November 3 - Install Docker and play with PHP
- November 3 - Apache .htaccess file
- November 3 - Share data between your running Docker container and your computer
- November 21 - FrankenPHP, a modern application server for PHP
- November 22 - Using volumes with Docker, use cases
- November 23 - Working with Laravel events
- November 24 - Docker - Diagrams as code
- November 27 - Sticky scroll in vscode
- November 27 - Start vscode from
- November 27 - Laravel Filament
- November 28 - Play with Docker and Java
- November 29 - Play with Docker and Python
- November 30 - Play with Docker and Assembly programming language
- December 1 - Play with Docker and Pascal
- December 4 - Encrypt sensitive data using SSL and Docker
- December 5 - Self-hosted monitoring tool
- December 7 - Docker init now supports PHP
- December 10 - MS Office - How to create a ribbon in Excel
- December 12 - Get health information from your running containers
- December 13 - The xmlstarlet utility for Linux
- December 13 - The jq utility for Linux
- December 14 - Update all out-of-date Windows programs in batch
- December 16 - Build a mind map using Docker and Markdown
- December 19 - Bash - Loading environment variables from a file
- December 19 - Bash - ASCII art
- December 21 - Running Quarto Markdown in Docker
- December 22 - Update php.ini when using a Docker image
- December 22 - Create your Joomla website using Docker - Part 1
- December 25 - Use Quarto and create a PowerPoint slideshow
- December 25 - Quarto conditional display
- December 25 - Linux Makefile - Adding a help screen
- December 27 - Starting the default associated Windows program on WSL
- December 27 - Linux Makefile - When to use a makefile
- December 27 - Generating documentation for a PHP codebase
- December 27 - Docker inspect - Retrieve network's information
- December 27 - Using Adminer, pgadmin or phpmyadmin to access your Docker database container
- December 28 - Quickly install WordPress in just three commands
- December 31 - Customize your Linux prompt with Powerlevel10k
- December 31 - Happy New Year 2024