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Obfuscate your PHP code

ยท 6 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Obfuscate your PHP code

A few years ago, I sold a software called aeSecure, which was a Web Application Firewall. In order to prevent my proprietary code from being picked up by someone who could then sell it, for example, I had developed an obfuscation script.

Since then, I've released a reusable version of that script:

And what if, today, with artificial intelligence, this type of code was no longer of any interest? The aim of this article is to see if it's always a good idea to make your code unreadable.

Obtaining a previously non-existent code, ask Geminiโ€‹

Just to give you some PHP code to use as an example for this article, let's create a hangman game using artificial intelligence.

Asking Gemini

Here is the code proposed by Gemini. Save it to your disk as hangman.php:


function generateWordList() {
// Replace these with your own word list
return [

function getRandomWord($wordList) {
$randomIndex = array_rand($wordList);
return $wordList[$randomIndex];

function displayHangman($guessesLeft) {
$stages = [
"[ O ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ /| ]",
"[ /|\\ ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ / ]",
"Wrong guess: ",
echo $stages[$guessesLeft] . PHP_EOL;

function displayWord($word, $guessedLetters) {
$displayedWord = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($word); $i++) {
$letter = $word[$i];
if (in_array($letter, $guessedLetters)) {
$displayedWord .= $letter . " ";
} else {
$displayedWord .= "_ ";
echo trim($displayedWord) . PHP_EOL;

function playHangman() {
$wordList = generateWordList();
$word = getRandomWord($wordList);
$guessedLetters = [];
$guessesLeft = 6;

while ($guessesLeft > 0) {
displayWord($word, $guessedLetters);

echo "Guess a letter: ";
$guess = trim(fgets(STDIN));

if (strlen($guess) !== 1 || !ctype_alpha($guess)) {
echo "Please enter a single letter." . PHP_EOL;

$guess = strtolower($guess);

if (in_array($guess, $guessedLetters)) {
echo "You already guessed that letter." . PHP_EOL;

$guessedLetters[] = $guess;

if (strpos($word, $guess) === false) {

if (str_replace(" ", "", displayWord($word, $guessedLetters)) === $word) {
echo "Congratulations! You guessed the word." . PHP_EOL;

if ($guessesLeft === 0) {
echo "You ran out of guesses. The word was: " . $word . PHP_EOL;


To play with this game, just run docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/src -w /src php:7.4-fpm php hangman.php.

As you'll see the script works fine without any change!



Now, we'll make this code unreadable by removing unneeded spaces, carriage return and replacing names by some random letters. For instance, replace the playHangman function name by a random suite like ppny. And to make the code more unreadable, I'll choose only suites like ppmx, ppnx, ppny and so on.

To do such obfuscation, just download my script and save it on your disk as minify.php. Also create a file called settings.json with this content:

"replace": {

Right now, in your folder, you've three files:

โฏ ls -alh

total 28K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Apr 7 20:11 .
drwxrwxrwt 22 root root 4.0K Apr 7 19:55 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9K Apr 7 20:07 hangman.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12K Apr 7 19:34 minify.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 731 Apr 7 19:47 settings.json

Time to make the hangman.php file unreadable by running docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/src -w /src php:7.4-fpm php minify.php input=hangman.php output=hangman_minify.php.

Obfuscating your PHP code

Now, you've a new file called hangman_minify.php:

function ppms(){return [
function ppmx($ppmu){$ppmw=array_rand($ppmu);return $ppmu[$ppmw];}
function ppnx($ppnc){$ppmc=[
"[ O ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ /| ]",
"[ /|\\ ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ / ]",
"Wrong guess: ",
];echo $ppmc[$ppnc].PHP_EOL;}
function ppnz($word,$ppnt){$ppmb="";
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($word); $i++){$letter=$word[$i];if(in_array($letter,$ppnt)){$ppmb .=$letter." ";}else{$ppmb .="_ ";}}echo trim($ppmb).PHP_EOL;}
function ppny(){$ppmu=ppms();$word=ppmx($ppmu);$ppnt=[];$ppnc=6;while ($ppnc > 0){
ppnz($word,$ppnt);echo "Guess a letter: ";$guess=trim(fgets(STDIN));if(strlen($guess) !==1||!ctype_alpha($guess)){echo "Please enter a single letter.".PHP_EOL;continue;}$guess=strtolower($guess);if(in_array($guess,$ppnt)){echo "You already guessed that letter.".PHP_EOL;continue;}$ppnt[]=$guess;if(strpos($word,$guess)===false){$ppnc--;}
if(str_replace(" ", "", ppnz($word,$ppnt))===$word){echo "Congratulations! You guessed the word.".PHP_EOL;break;}}
ppnx($ppnc);echo "You ran out of guesses. The word was: ".$word.PHP_EOL;}}

What you see here above is the newer version of the hangman.php file and it's still running. You can check by running docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/src -w /src php:7.4-fpm php hangman_minify.php.

Make the code readable again, ask Copilotโ€‹

Asking copilot

The first time, Copilot has kept my minified function name. By asking him Can you suggest me another version?, Copilot suggests this code:

Rewriting the code

// Define an array of words
function getRandomWord()
$words = [
return $words[array_rand($words)];

// Display hangman art based on the number of incorrect guesses
function displayHangman($incorrectGuesses)
$hangmanArt = [
"[ O ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ /| ]",
"[ /|\\ ]",
"[ | ]",
"[ / ]",
echo $hangmanArt[$incorrectGuesses] . PHP_EOL;

// Display the word with guessed letters revealed
function displayWord($word, $guessedLetters)
$displayedWord = "";
foreach (str_split($word) as $letter) {
if (in_array($letter, $guessedLetters)) {
$displayedWord .= $letter . " ";
} else {
$displayedWord .= "_ ";
echo trim($displayedWord) . PHP_EOL;

// Main game loop
function playHangman()
$wordToGuess = getRandomWord();
$guessedLetters = [];
$incorrectGuesses = 6;

while ($incorrectGuesses > 0) {
displayWord($wordToGuess, $guessedLetters);
echo "Guess a letter: ";
$guess = trim(fgets(STDIN));

if (strlen($guess) !== 1 || !ctype_alpha($guess)) {
echo "Please enter a single letter." . PHP_EOL;

$guess = strtolower($guess);

if (in_array($guess, $guessedLetters)) {
echo "You already guessed that letter." . PHP_EOL;

$guessedLetters[] = $guess;

if (strpos($wordToGuess, $guess) === false) {

if (str_replace(" ", "", displayWord($wordToGuess, $guessedLetters)) === $wordToGuess) {
echo "Congratulations! You guessed the word." . PHP_EOL;

if ($incorrectGuesses === 0) {
echo "You ran out of guesses. The word was: " . $wordToGuess . PHP_EOL;

// Start the game

The artificial intelligence managed to understand the purpose of the script (a hangman game) and rewrote the code to make it readable. Not only is the code readable, the function names are too, but it has also written comments. Just incredible!