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5 posts tagged with "makefile"

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Makefile - Tutorial and Tips & Tricks

16 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Makefile - Tutorial and Tips & Tricks

When I'm learning, I usually take notes. I find that it's one of the best ways of remembering what I've seen and being able to come back to it at any time.

Below is a note that I took and revised several times when I took the time to create my first .make files.

Markdown linter - solve formatting issue in md files

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Markdown linter - solve formatting issue in md files

You are writing Markdown .md files (and you're so right) and you just wish to check (and autofix) some issues like having multiple blank lines, mixing bullet types (- and * in the same document), using a # title followed by ### (i.e. you forget the level ##) and many more.

There is a tool for this: Markdown lint and, a Docker image peterdavehello/markdownlint.

Let's learn how to use it.

Linux Makefile - When to use a makefile

5 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Linux Makefile - When to use a makefile

Coding your own makefile has the enormous, terribly powerful advantage of being able to centralize the commands you use on your project in a single place, whatever the nature of the project (php, javascript, nodeJs, markdown, etc.).

The presence of a file called makefile sends a clear message to anyone who comes to work on the project: Hey, have a look here, you'll find all the commands you need. And it's really easy to list existing commands (see my article Linux Makefile - Adding a help screen).

So, you can define an up command (you choose the name of the command) which will launch all the actions required to start the project; you could have down for just the opposite, check to check that the project is valid (e.g. launch static checks of the quality of your code), and so on.

Linux Makefile - Adding a help screen

8 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Linux Makefile - Adding a help screen

By using a makefile, you know it already, you can gather in one place a lot of actions like make bash, make build, make deploy, ... just like I do when working on this blog (see my makefile on

What's really nice is being able to type make at the command line without any other options and then get a screen with lists of existing commands and a short one-line explanation.

That's what we'll be looking at in this article.

Create your Joomla website using Docker

25 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Create your Joomla website using Docker

  • Updated 2024-03-23, adding health condition in yml and update Joomla tag to 5.1-php8.2-apache.

In this article, we will learn how to use Docker to install Joomla on your localhost and start a new website in seconds (don't want to wait? Jump to the "Final docker-compose.yml" chapter).

I will use a Linux console (I'm running WSL on my Windows computer and I have chosen Ubuntu for my distribution) but since Docker can also be used on Windows, you can perfectly run, exactly, the same commands in an MS-DOS / Powershell console.