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14 posts tagged with "markdown"

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CodeSnap addon for VSCode

One min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

CodeSnap addon for VSCode

The extension CodeSnap will take beautiful screenshots of your code in VS Code without effort.

Open your file in vscode, select the desired lines, press CTRL-SHIFT-P, run CodeSnap. You just need to select lines now.

CodeSnap partial example

Quarto Callout Blocks

3 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Quarto Callout Blocks

A callout (called admonition by Docusaurus) is a special syntax used to highlight a paragraph, f.i. a Pay attention to... or Tip: Did you know that... box.

On this blog powered by Docusaurus, the syntax for admonition is

:::caution[Pay attention to...]
Never give your bank card code to a stranger.

and this is rendered like

Pay attention to...

Never give your bank card code to a stranger.

And now a nice tip:

Did you know that...

By going to bed earlier, you'll get better quality sleep.

Quarto implements this a little differently, so let's have a look...

Quarto includes short code

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Quarto includes short code

Using the Quarto includes short code, writing a long document can easily be broken down into several smaller ones.

Imagine the following main.qmd file:

# My thesis in Latin

{{< include >}}

{{< include >}}

Quarto will then merge the three files when you render main.qmd.

Quarto Inline style

One min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Quarto Inline style

Don't want to take the time to create a CSS class and figure out how to integrate it into Quarto to quickly highlight part of your paragraph?

Quarto supports an inline css style syntax for producing HTML documents (not working for, f.i., pdf or docx).


You can apply styles to inline text by creating spans using [] to surround the text you want to style and {} to define the style you want to apply.

Markdown linter - solve formatting issue in md files

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Markdown linter - solve formatting issue in md files

You are writing Markdown .md files (and you're so right) and you just wish to check (and autofix) some issues like having multiple blank lines, mixing bullet types (- and * in the same document), using a # title followed by ### (i.e. you forget the level ##) and many more.

There is a tool for this: Markdown lint and, a Docker image peterdavehello/markdownlint.

Let's learn how to use it.

Autosave feature in VSCode

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Autosave feature in VSCode

How many times have you modified a file in vscode (and forgotten to save the modification) in order to refresh it from your web page, run the script from your console, etc., and then thought Oh no, damn, it still doesn't work?

And it can take several minutes and back and forth before, damned, silly me, I didn't save my modification.

And even more so when you've done a Search&Replace in several files; some having been saved and others not.

Let's see how to avoid this.

Getting the number of published posts

One min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Getting the number of published posts

Docusaurus didn't provide an easy way to retrieve the number of blog posts but there is well a trick.

There is an automatic page called archive like

On that page, all blog posts are displayed by year and months. With a document.querySelectorAll console instruction it's possible to make the count as suggested on

Using variables from external file in your Quarto project

4 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Using variables from external file in your Quarto project

My use case is: I need to write some technical, long, documentation where I need to provide some information like IP addresses of used servers, some paths to the application, configuration folders, ...

The normal way to do this is to just put information directly in the documentation and to make sure to update every occurrence in case of changes during the lifecycle of the application.

The best way is probably to use an external file where information are stored in a key-value form and, during the rendering process of Quarto, replace short codes by values.